How can a medical practice apply for District of Workforce Shortage (DWS)?
District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) is the geographical area in which access to Medicare-subsidised medical services for local population is less as compared to national average. Previously, medical practices have to formally apply for District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) status.
Process was known as Preliminary Assessment of District of Workforce Shortage (PADWS). Revised guideline for section 19AB of the Health Insurance Act discontinued the PADWS process. Practices can check their DWS status by visiting Doctor Connect website. There is a searchable map available on Doctor Connect website. Practices can put exact street address of the practice location and search within second layer “District of Workforce Shortage layer” to check their DWS status. They can directly print their DWS status from the same screen. The advice on the map locator specifically relates to the application of the Medicare provider number restrictions to doctors seeking to practise in general practice and other programmes that make explicit reference to the use of “districts of workforce shortage”
Below is the list of some of new GP jobs posted on our website that are falling within District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) location (*as of 24th August 2017)
[jobs_by_tag tag=”dws-jobs”]