What is 19AB Replacement Exemption for non-District of Workforce Shortage location?
Practices located in District of Workforce Shortage areas can apply for 19AB exemption for suitable Overseas Trained Doctors. However, even a non-DWS practice in Australia can also apply for 19AB exemption under “replacement” clause, if eligible.
A practice may apply for this exemption for up to 12 months to recruit a new Overseas Trained Doctor (OTD) into a position that has been vacated by an OTD, where the location is no longer DWS. The departing OTD must have been affected by the moratorium and have gone to work in a different Statistical Local Area (SLA)”
This is a general advice only and practices should contact Department of Health by email: 19AB@health.gov.au to get further information about 19AB replacement exemption.
19AB Replacement Exemption GP Jobs in Australia
Below is the list of some of new GP jobs posted on our website that are falling within District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) location (*as of 24th August 2017)
[jobs_by_tag tag=”dws-jobs”]