District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) will soon be Distribution Priority Areas (DPA)
Are you international medical graduate? You might know about current District of Workforce Shortage (DWS) mapping system to get 19AB replacement exemption. Department of Health is changing the methodology and name of this system from 1st July 2019. New name will be called Distribution Priority Areas (DPA). Doctor Connect map will also be updated from 1st July 2019.
Please keep an eye on DoH website to get up to date information about Distribution Priority Areas (DPA) as it will affect your ability to get provider number for your chosen practice. If you are a practice owner, you should check your DPA classification on doctor connect website on 1st July as it will decide your eligibility to get 19AB exemption for your next recruitment of OTD.
Please read more information on Doctor Connect website here
If you own a general practice in Australia and want to advertise your GP jobs. You can advertise it here GP JOBS