section 19aa of health insurance act 1973 medicare exemption

Independent pathway of ACRRM may be included in 3GA program list soon..

Update: Independent pathway is now an approved 3GA program. 

Australian College of Rural and Rural Medicine (ACRRM) runs an Independent Pathway in addition to traditional rural pathway for AGPT fellowship.

The ACRRM Independent Pathway is an accredited training pathway that results in the doctor being awarded Fellowship of the ACRRM College.  The Pathway is good for experienced doctors who respond well to self-directed learning and flexibility. ACRRM need to assess the prior learning and experience through the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) before the formal application.

Traditionally, a doctor on Independent pathway needs to find his own placement to get structured training leading towards fellowship. However, Independent pathway is actually not considered as a 3GA program. A doctor who is restricted by 19AA of Health Insurance Act can only work in 3GA program if he needs to access the Medicare billing. However, it is very difficult for a doctor to find a placement under Independent pathway without billing to Medicare.

Warning: Please note that there are many recent changes to Medicare provider number legislations including introducing new 3GA programs and cessation of few 3GA programs. Please consider the information on this page for general purpose only. For any up to date information about 19AB, DWS, 19AA, 3GA, RLRP,MDRAP, PEP, SAPP, AMDS etc, please refer to Medicare and Department of Health website as they are the best sources to get up to date information.

According to ACRRM website, Independent pathway may be included in 3GA program list. Please read the article on ACRRM website about this.