PESCI exam in NSW; another organisation approved to conduct PESCI
Since the introduction of National Registration in July 2010 the responsibility for registration has been taken over by the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and is administered by a Registration Committee of the Medical Board of Australia in each state. The Registration Committee will require some candidates entering General Practice to successfully complete a PESCI as a pre-requisite to being considered for conditional registration in their State or Territory.
RACGP is now accredited to conduct PESCI’s. Doctors will now have 3 PESCI providers; ACRRM, RACGP and HWAV (Health Workforce Assessment Victoria).
Important points to consider:
- PESCI information will be updated on the RACGP website to include NSW soon.
- PESCI interviews for NSW applicants will begin in May 2017.
- PESCIs will initially be held fortnightly and from January 2018 weekly.
- PESCI applicants for NSW positions will need to attend Face-to-Face PESCIs in the RACGP Sydney office.
- Applicants will need to pay the PESCI fee first then they will be given a PESCI date.
- The RACGP website fee shows $1,900 while ACRRM shows fees of $1,500-$1,600.
Here is the link to get more information about PESCI with RACGP