
What is Fellowship Ad Eundem Gradum (FAEG) for GPs in Australia?

Update: June 2019: The Specialist Pathway Program (SPP) is now closed. Any person whose application to the SPP was completed before 14 September 2018 may continue on the SPP under this policy. If you wish to have your international specialist qualification recognised by the RACGP after 14 September 2018, please refer to the Specialist Recognition Program Comparability Assessment Policy.

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) has two different pathways to award fellowship to GPs; the General Practice Experience(practice eligible) pathway and Specialist Pathway Program (SPP)

If the doctor has been working for a significant period of time in general practice, he or she may be eligible to enrol in the RACGP Fellowship assessments via the General Practice Experience (Practice Eligible) pathway. This pathway recognises work experience and is a way that international medical graduates (IMGs), also referred to as overseas trained doctors, can gain Fellowship without having to do specialist general practice training (vocational training) in Australia. Further information regarding this pathway can be obtained by visiting RACGP website

Specialist Pathway Program (SPP) provides a pathway to fellowship for International Medical Graduates (IMGs) based on an assessment of their previous training and experience in general practice. IMGs wishing to check their eligibility to get fellowship under SPP should check the self assessment tool on RACGP website. It will determine:

– whether or not the doctor may be eligible to apply to the SPP
– what Category the doctor may be eligible for
– how to submit an initial application.

Category 1 of the Specialist Pathway Program may be eligible to get Fellowship Ad Eundem Gradum (FAEG) after completing following tasks:

1.Obtaining primary source verification of their qualifications from ECFMG International Credentials Services (EICS) via AMC
2.Complete gplearning training modules “GP Pathway module one – introduction to becoming a GP” and “GP Pathway module two – overview of Australian general practice requirements”
3.Register for RACGP’s Quality Improvement and Continuing Professional Development program
4.Advise RACGP of a mentor.

Once SPP candidates have been admitted to Fellowship of the RACGP, they can deliver unsupervised general practice to the Australian community and access the higher rebates under Medicare.

Please contact RACGP on 1800 626 901 or by email to racgpeducation@racgp.org.au regarding any further question.