Recruitment of VR GP vs Non-VR GP

GP Jobs in Australia GP Jobs in Australia are in great demand. Gp Job for VR and Non VR GPs are available throughout Australia. However, what is the difference between VR and Non VR GP? Here is the summary: The Australian Government introduced vocational registration program in 1989 to consider general practice as a specific specialty in its own right,

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AHPRA released new registration standards for OTDs

AHPRA has recently released updated standards and guidelines for medical practitioners. It will be effective from 1st October. From 1 October 2016, registered medical practitioners must ensure they comply with the revised continuing professional development and recency of practice registration standards. The revised standards were published in February 2016 to support a smooth transition. Both standards

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AMC exam venue list worldwide

AMC MCQ exam is held in Australia and at various venues in many other countries. The examination events held in Australia and New Zealand are large-scale events, with only one appointment time. However, a number of examination events held in countries other than Australia and NZ may have multiple appointment times depending on the regulations

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Dual Benefit of Working for an Approved Medical Deputising Service (AMDS)

Approved Medical Deputising Service Program (AMDSP) is one of the Section 3GA programs. The AMDSP was established under section 3GA of the Act in 1999 in response to concerns about the shortage of medical practitioners providing after‑hours home visit services in metropolitan areas. The Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing administers the program. All

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How to check DWS status of a GP practice in Australia?

Medical practices across Australia sometimes want to check the District of Workforce Status for their location. It may be needed while recruiting a new GP for the practice or to check the GP workforce status of local area. Process of GP recruitment is incomplete without checking the DWS status in the first instance. Here is

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GP Recruitment in Australia Can Be a Challenging Process

Busy medical practices sometimes outsource the GP recruitment to recruitment agencies. It can be a lengthy and expensive process to outsource GP recruitment to a HR agency. GP recruitment process via recruitment agency can cost thousands of dollars and it might be difficult for a solo medical practice to allocate that kind of budget. How

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What is Fellowship Ad Eundem Gradum (FAEG) for GPs in Australia?

Update: June 2019: The Specialist Pathway Program (SPP) is now closed. Any person whose application to the SPP was completed before 14 September 2018 may continue on the SPP under this policy. If you wish to have your international specialist qualification recognised by the RACGP after 14 September 2018, please refer to the Specialist Recognition Program

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How to get 19AB spousal exemption to recruit an OTD for non-DWS medical practice in Australia?

How can a non-DWS medical practice apply for 19AB spousal exemption? Practices located in District of Workforce Shortage Statistical Area2 (SA2) can get 19AB exemption for overseas trained doctors. DWS status can help the OTD to fulfil the requirements under section 19AB of the Health Insurance Act, 1973. However, non-DWS area practices do have some

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